Down To Earth
Hello World.. I address you(oohkay this is getting crappy already).. so I came up with this nice-ish way of clicking pictures with your phone.. works well if your phone has it's camera placed like in the Nokia X3, Specifically the Nokia X3 cuz the camera is right on the top.. So all I did was invert my phone and place in on the ground and *CLICK* ( a few exceptional pics have been mentioned ).. So here it is, Down To Earth(mentioned hereafter as DTE): The Living Room Floor.. If only this phone had AutoFocus... !! slightly off the ground with a skewed orientation... and oh yeah my CAT!! There'll be a post dedicated to his pics as well.. Wait up! Again I felt that AutoFocus would've made my life awesome-er with the X3, I have it on the TYTN II i am using now, if only the focus were on the stone.. a good-ish pic all in all! My CAT is the whitest cutest thing on planet EARTH! Peace! Don't ask what I was doing on the middle of the Pu...